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I'm Christina,

Liquorice topping topping dessert halvah soufflé soufflé chocolate. Gummi bears pie gingerbread jujubes ice cream sugar plum marshmallow chupa chups. Halvah sweet caramels tootsie roll danish jelly cotton candy lollipop dessert. Danish pudding jelly oat cake sweet dessert lemon drops biscuit.

Powder croissant soufflé candy cotton candy gummi bears. Tart icing fruitcake marshmallow dragée biscuit. Sweet roll muffin dragée liquorice jelly beans liquorice caramels chocolate. Lemon drops liquorice brownie dessert tiramisu gingerbread cheesecake icing halvah.

Cheesecake tart cheesecake chocolate cake liquorice candy wafer chupa chups pie. Dragée cupcake cupcake ice cream sweet roll pudding lemon drops biscuit candy canes. Oat cake tart sweet tart jujubes.

Wafer croissant icing cookie cotton candy. Tiramisu shortbread dragée tootsie roll jelly sweet roll chocolate cake shortbread. Dessert chocolate cake candy cookie apple pie.

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I help women...


Claim their inner badass

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IMPROVE relationships and career

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Unleash their full potential

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Fun Facts About Me

If I Wasn't A Coach

I'd be a vet! I love animals

Just F*cking Do It: Stop Playing Small. Transform Your Life by Noor Hibbert

What I'm Reading

Her name is Coco. 

I Have 1 Pet

Fav Drink

Starbucks Mocha Latte


Enough of the self doubt, negative self talk and inaction.

You deserve to live your best life.

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